Jamie Gutheil DC, Roseville, California


Links for ALzheimer’s

  The End of Alzheimer’s MCT Oil Why Isn’t My Brain Working Organic Coconut Oil Know Foods Gluten Free Bread Ketone Strips Yogi Green Tea

Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease of the nervous system in which plaque is laid down in the brain. For the last few years treatment has been aimed at destroying the plaque. This direction of treatment has not been very effective because the plaques are not the cause of the disease process, plaques are the result. What is the cause then?… Continue reading

Gluten Sensitivity

The skinny on Gluten Today we are all being advised to avoid Gluten and buy Gluten free foods because we cannot digest Gluten properly. While it is true that people with Celiac disease and those who are highly Gluten sensitive should avoid it, most of us should be able to digest lesser amounts of Gluten just fine. We become sensitive… Continue reading

Green Tea Benefits

Green Tea Makes you Feel Good! Drinking Green Tea increases Happy Neurotransmitters like GABA and Dopamine. Most people who suffer Depression and anxiety are deficient in GABA, Serotonin or Dopamine.  Coffee on the other hand raises Cortisol, which decreases Serotonin. Bottom line is Green Tea plus three, coffee nothing. So, short-term with coffee you get a happy jolt but… Continue reading